On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 07:32:06 +0200, torbenh@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> > I mean the linker should do it. If you dynamically build the plugin
> > against a stub library and the host exports something with the same ABI, I
> > /think/ the plugin should have the host's version of the function in its
> > namespace.
> this is not TRUE on windows.
> otherwise yes.
Ah, well thats kind of important. I understand that Windows is quite
popular in some places? ;)
Is there some equivalent mechanism that lets dlloaded plugins dig function
pointers out of the the host? Thier public symbol linking system is
backward too from what I remember.
I don't think theres any reason to stop Windows users being able to share
the love, should they so choose. I used to get a lot of mail asking for
advice on how to compile my plugins on Windows until I put a note on the
website saying I couldn't help.
- Steve
Received on Mon May 8 20:15:02 2006
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