Gene Heskett wrote:
> Lee Revell wrote:
>> On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 22:19 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Any hints that result in getting something like skype or ekiga
>>> working will be applied with many profuse thanks offered.
>> What ALSA version (/proc/asound/version)?
> root@email-addr-hidden skype]# cat /proc/asound/version
> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.11rc2 (Wed Jan 04
> 08:57:20 2006 UTC).
>> Which driver is being used?
> From an lsmod:
> snd_atiixp_modem 15433 1
> snd_seq_dummy 3781 0
> snd_atiixp 19157 2
> snd_ac97_codec 83937 2 snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp
> snd_ac97_bus 2497 1 snd_ac97_codec
> snd_seq_oss 28993 0
> snd_seq_midi_event 7105 1 snd_seq_oss
> snd_seq 47153 5
> snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
> snd_seq_device 8909 3 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq
> snd_pcm_oss 45009 0
> snd_mixer_oss 16449 2 snd_pcm_oss
> snd_pcm 76869 4
> snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss
> snd_timer 22597 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
> snd 50501 14
> snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp,snd_ac97_codec,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer
> soundcore 9377 2 snd
> snd_page_alloc 10441 3 snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp,snd_pcm
>> Any change if you run the apps with "aoss"? e.g. "aoss ./skype"
>> Lee
> aoss apparently not installed:
> [root@email-addr-hidden skype]# aoss ./skype
> bash: aoss: command not found
> Note that skype is the only oss program, but that ekiga and audacity are
> similarly plagued.
> I can find no 'aoss' containing file with yumex.
I should add another program which is crippled by this same problem Lee,
is grip. It can rip a cd, but cannot play the cd even when not
ripping it. And the ripped sound isn't up to the usual quality, often
sounding as if the playback is of a file that over-drove the d/a in
playback, or the a/d in the recording, eg clipped. A far cry from
grips usual crystal clear results.
Ditto for any other player program I'd tried and kde has a plethora of
them, none can play a cd through the speakers. Audacities playback vu
meters stay pretty consistently above the -2 db mark when a gripped ogg
file is loaded, and will mark the red overload at someplace above 0 db
before the whole selection loaded has played more than 10% of the piece.
Is this sounding like any problem you've encountered?
And, what rpm contains this 'aoss' thing?
-- Cheers, GeneReceived on Mon May 22 12:15:01 2006
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