Paul Brossier hat gesagt: // Paul Brossier wrote:
> The latest version of aubio, 0.3.0, is now available. aubio is a library
> for audio labelling. The goal of this project is to provide automatic
> feature extraction algorithms to other audio software projects. Features
> include onset detection, beat tracking, and pitch detection. Functions
> can be used offline in sound editors and software samplers, or online in
> audio effects and virtual instruments.
> This release features several changes:
> * new pitch detection method, yinfft
> * new beat tracking algorithm (improved from 0.2.0)
> * new puredata external
Hoohoo, wonderful, works great with Pd! Minor nitpick: Generally
help-patches in Pd nowadays follow the naming convention:
"NAME-help.pd" instead of "help-NAME.pd" as in the aubio-distribution.
Maybe you can change this in future versions.
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__Received on Mon May 22 20:15:02 2006
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