On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 10:58:00AM +0100, Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 May 2006 10:45, Asbjørn Sæbø wrote:
> > ERROR: AudioJACKTarget: Failed to connect to JACK server
> Are you running the static build from the download page, or did you
> build SV yourself?
The static build from the download page
> The static build has libjack 0.100 statically linked. If your version
> of jackd is incompatible with the linked version, it will fall back to
> ALSA via PortAudio (which presumably fails because JACK is using the
> soundcard). So, if you're using this build, which version of jackd do
> you have?
jackd 0.99.54
Does this explain it?
However, if I stop jack, I still get the same behaviour (and the same
error messages) from SV. Even though I can play back the very same
file all right using aplay. (See below. The playback with aplay is
interrupted by me.)
With kind regards,
asbjs@email-addr-hidden:~/tmp$ aplay
Playing WAVE
'/local/musikkfiler/wav/ole_edvard_antonsen/tour_de_force/Track01.wav' :
Signed 16 bit Little Endian,Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
Aborted by signal Interrupt...
asbjs@email-addr-hidden:~/tmp$ ./sonic-visualiser /local/musikkfiler/wav/ole_edvard_antonsen/tour_de_force/Track01.wav
GetProcessStatus returned correct status for this process
FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::instance(vamp): creating new FeatureExtractionPluginFactory
VAMP path is: "/usr/local/lib/vamp:/usr/lib/vamp:/home/asbjs/vamp:/home/asbjs/.vamp"
[/home/asbjs/dssi] [/home/asbjs/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
[/home/asbjs/.ladspa] [/usr/local/lib/ladspa] [/usr/lib/ladspa]
QPainter::begin: Widget painting can only begin as a result of a paintEvent
Document::addLayerToView: Layer with no model being added to view: normally you want to set the model first
Document::addLayerToView: Layer with no model being added to view: normally you want to set the model first
ERROR: AudioJACKTarget: Failed to connect to JACK server
WARNING: AudioTargetFactory::createCallbackTarget: Failed to open JACK target
ERROR: AudioPortAudioTarget: Failed to initialize PortAudio
WARNING: AudioTargetFactory::createCallbackTarget: Failed to open PortAudio target
WARNING: AudioTargetFactory::createCallbackTarget: No suitable targets available
application.exec() returned 0
Received on Tue May 23 20:15:07 2006
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Tue May 23 2006 - 20:15:07 EEST