Hi all,
On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 12:16:21PM +0200, Pieter Palmers wrote:
> Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> >Paul Brossier wrote:
> >
> >>The latest version of aubio, 0.3.0, is now available. aubio is a library
> >>for audio labelling. The goal of this project is to provide automatic
> >>feature extraction algorithms to other audio software projects. Features
> >>include onset detection, beat tracking, and pitch detection. Functions
> >>can be used offline in sound editors and software samplers, or online in
> >>audio effects and virtual instruments.
> >>
> >>This release features several changes:
> >>
> >> * new pitch detection method, yinfft
> >> * new beat tracking algorithm (improved from 0.2.0)
> >> * new puredata external * enhancements to the onset detection
> >>algorithms
> >> * improved aubiocut, can now slice at beats and silences
> >> * new aubiopitch python program to extract pitch tracks
> >> * plotting features for aubiocut and aubiopitch
> >> * python interface refactored
> >> * updated documentation
> >> As usual, the source code can be found at http://aubio.piem.org/
> >>, and Debian packages are available from http://piem.org/debian/ .
> >>Feedback most appreciated!
> >>
> >>Paul Brossier
> >>
> >
> >Hi Paul,
> >
> >This looks like it could be a useful addition to jackEQ.
> >
> >Do you mind having a look http://jackeq.sf.net and letting me know how
> >you think it could be applied?
Maybe you have an idea in mind? :-) I guess a tap flashing at beats and
displaying the detected tempo would be interesting for jackeq. Other
features (onset, pitch) could also be helpful, as monitoring tools, and
even to `autodrive' plugins (limiter, eq).
> I had this idea once to use aubio to implement a 'jackd transport time
> sync source', i.e. retrieving the bpm and adjusting the beat so that
> jackd-transport aware applications (like hydrogen) can run in sync with
> external music.
> The idea is to enable easy live use of drum machines, samplers and tempo
> aware audio players in e.g. a DJ context. But this could also be used to
> automatically create the Tap tempo for delays etc...
Yes, an automatic beat tapping tool, which could be manually corrected,
just like a normal tap.
> I even started to implement this, but some other coding got in the way...
IIRC, support for Jack transport could be added using Timebase Master:
Which program is using the Timebase? code examples would help here :-)
Greetings, Paul
Received on Tue May 23 20:15:10 2006
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