On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 17:53 +0100, tom christie wrote:
> Sounds reasonable to me.
> Just to clarify, does that mean LV2_DATATYPE_FLOAT
> would be #define'd as: "http://lv2plug.in/ontology#float"
> or something else?...
> I guess consistency would suggest using the same approach for both
> slv2_port_get_class() and slv2_port_get_data_type().
Yeah, true. I'll give everything a look through and make sure it will
make sense to do so in all cases (without mucking up the API too much).
I'm a bit unhappy that it makes code longer and more messy though. The
primary design goal here is to make host code as terse and simple as
possible. strcmp'ing a string and then freeing it is quite a bit uglier
than just testing an enum val :/
Received on Wed May 31 04:15:04 2006
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