A couple of years ago I started writing a tracker-like GUI program to
control Csound, but then I mostly lost interest in Csound and forgot
about it. It's a bit like Buzz or Psycle or Octal in that it has a
built-in "modular synth" where you connect Csound instruments and a
traditional tracker-style pattern editor.
It probably doesn't work with recent Csound versions and probably
doesn't even build with recent compilers and libraries, and I'm not
going to hack any more on it. But if anyone is interested in taking
over, the source and other things can be found here:
I'd be happy to hand over the SF project if anyone is interested.
-- Lars Luthman - please encrypt any email sent to me if possible PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x04C77E2E Fingerprint: FCA7 C790 19B9 322D EB7A E1B3 4371 4650 04C7 7E2E
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