Stephen Cameron wrote:
> So, I've got a yamaha motif rack, and the manual
> (which is here, btw:
> )
> On P. 46 of that manual describes how, and it seems like it should
> be brain dead simple. There's a basic recieve channel on the
> Motif Rack, (it claims that it is set to "1" -- I don't know if
> that is zero or one based, so I tried both.
> I think, if I send a byte sequence like:
> 0xb1 0xf3 0x03 0xc1 0x07
> (or maybe substitute 0 for any 1 in the above, I tried them all)
> It ought to do something.
> I *can* change patches within a bank, that is the
> Sending 0xc0 0x25 will change the current preset.
> Just can't figure out the bank change thing. Well,
> I'm retarded, or the spec is wrong, or the motif is broken...
> I think I must be retarded.
> At the moment, I've reduced things to a few lines of C
> that just open up /dev/snd/midiC1D0 and write some
> bytes out -- I know that much works because note-on and
> patch change work.
> Just wondering if anybody else out there has a Motif and
> if they've ever gotten it to change banks.
You're probably missing the required Bank Select control changes (MSB
CC#=0 and LSB CC#=32) which should precede the proper Program Change
message. This is standard MIDI specification, not specific to your
device, and its perfectly stated on the manual page you mentioned.
Bye now.
-- rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela rncbc@email-addr-hiddenReceived on Mon Jul 17 00:15:10 2006
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