Voice and pitch recognition are two very different things! :)
Since you mention ear training I assume you really mean pitch recognition...
One of the best-known pitch estimators is the "fiddle~" object for Pd!
The nice thing about Pd is that it should be easy to extend it into an
"ear training utility" with a few mouse clicks. :)
(And it is cross-platform..)
On 8/30/06, Iain Duncan <iainduncan@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I'm planning on some trying out some voice and pitch recognition stuff
> for some ear training utilities. Wondering if anyone can tell me which
> of the many FOSS libraries for both would be best. Cross platform a
> bonus, but not essential.
> Thanks
> Iain
Received on Wed Aug 30 20:15:01 2006
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