QLoud is a tool to measure loudspeaker frequency response. Find it here:
Uwe has released Qwt v.5.0.0rc0. As a result, QLoud doesn't depend on any CVS tree now.
v.0.16 is out - INSTALL is changed to be in accordance with Qwt development. Also, min.
smoothing was reduced to 1/1024 :-)
If you already use the app, you can stay with v.0.15 (no bugs were found).
If you have rejected the app because of Qwt CVS-tree dependency - try it now :-)
Received on Tue Sep 19 12:15:06 2006
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Tue Sep 19 2006 - 12:15:07 EEST