Thanks! And which Audiophile do you mean? 2496 or 192?
======= On Thursday 21 September 2006 19:35, Frank Barknecht wrote: =======
Andrew Gaydenko hat gesagt: // Andrew Gaydenko wrote:
> Lee, sorry, didn't understand 'function of the host OS and driver'
> (probably, my English isn't perfect :-)). As I understand a problem,
> for PCI case proper shielding, clean (on the card) power supply
> subcircuits and good generator are useful. For USB case - all these
> and syncing from *own* oscillator.
Forget about USB, unless you're forced to e.g. on a laptop.
For PCI cards, the M-Audio Delta cards are very good and not too
expensive. If you only need stereo, then the M-Audio Delta Audiophile
PCI is a very good and popular choice.
Received on Fri Sep 22 08:15:09 2006
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