On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 11:02:26 +0100, Dan Mills wrote:
> --- Steve Harris <S.W.Harris@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > These are aliasing artifacts in the sidechain
> > though, right? So they will
> > show up as modulations in the output, rather than
> > directly audible
> > aliasing.
> The last thing almost all software compressors do is
> something of the form output = gain * sample;
It's not quite that simple. But broadly, yes, that's why I said it would
be modulated by the product of the alising. Gain is in the range (0,1] so
it will be amplitude modulated.
The alising is present in the sidechain, right? So a filterted version of
the alising will be present in the output of the gain stage.
- Steve
Received on Wed Oct 18 16:15:04 2006
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