AFAIK, there's no reason for the subscriptions to disappear if they are
ported. In the worst case scenario, you may have to request a
resend/regeneration of password should you decide to unsubscribe, but even
that may not be necessary (depending how the listserv is set up on the old
vs. new machine).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: linux-audio-dev-bounces@email-addr-hidden [mailto:linux-audio-dev-
> bounces@email-addr-hidden] On Behalf Of Gene Heskett
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 9:50 AM
> To: linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
> Cc: Joern Nettingsmeier; linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] [admin] new linux-audio-* maintainer
> wanted...
> On Friday 17 November 2006 05:00, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
> >hi marc-olivier, hi everyone!
> >
> >
> >since there hasn't been any further discussion, i'm wrapping up the
> >current state of affairs - from now on, "lazy consensus" is in effect,
> >so if you disagree, holler now :)
> >
> >marc-olivier barre is volunteering to take over the job of list
> >maintainer. thanks again for this kind offer!
> >ico suggests to move the lists to
> >i like both ideas :)
> >
> >marc, if your offer still stands, please get in touch with me via
> >private mail and send me an ssh key to grant you access to the list
> >server account. (i will have to check with the site admin before
> >installing it, but i'm sure there will be no objections.)
> >
> >to the others: i think it would be good to have another two list
> >moderators for linux-audio-announce, in case people ever want to go on
> >(gasp!) vacation, and to reduce the moderation lag... any takers?
> >
> Will our subscriptions also move, or do we have to re-register at the new
> site?
> >
> >best regards,
> >
> >jörn
> --
> Cheers, Gene
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
> soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
> message by Gene Heskett are:
> Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.
Received on Fri Nov 17 20:15:02 2006
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