Re: [linux-audio-dev] integrating qt apps with common plugin interface

From: Patrick Stinson <patrickkidd@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 21:59:55 EET

I'm sorry, but that wasn't my question. We have written a large commercial
app that we are going to sell, and we are looking for example code to
integrate it with the stated plugin architectures....

On 1/8/07, kind king knight <game_core@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I don't think that vst, or dxi, are useful to work with qt, because they
> aren't adopted in Linux, and I don't think that windows users would
> bother compiling sources (for releasing compiled qt applications you
> must buy the qt license). Beside qt doesn't have good routines for
> playing sound (i am thinking about the gnu version <=3).

Patrick Kidd Stinson
Received on Tue Jan 9 16:15:03 2007

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