Re: [linux-audio-dev] processing plugin standard wrapper

From: Malte Steiner <steiner@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 12 2007 - 18:52:46 EET

its not clear if you meant processing or proce55ing as in
It would be difficult and against the platform independence nature of
the ladder.
If you meant a wrapper to handle the plugin formats on Linux in general
and transparent way, its a tough goal too. One tricky part is different
UI handling. I remember being annoyed by Apple and their constant change
of the UI handling of their AudioUnits so I gave up on the end. I expect
they change everything for OSX 10.5 again. It was a lot of trouble in
one (socalled) standard/format so I guess it quadruples by throwing in
several ones.



Malte Steiner
media art + development
Received on Mon Feb 12 20:15:02 2007

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