[linux-audio-dev] OT: dev helpers - WAS: Realtime problems with midi/osc sequencer

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 28 2007 - 15:08:12 EEST

Stephen Sinclair wrote:
> You could also try sigaction and setitimer.
> I've had good timing results with this approach in the past.
> (I haven't tried it for audio tasks though.)

does anyone know a URL to a cute POSIX C fn-reference postscript?

judging by http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/posix4/toc.html
it seems possible to get all of them on a max. dbl-sided A4 sheet?!

the man-pages are great if one knows about the function in the first
place - is there a fn-list on a hidden man-page?
I'd even be happy with some offline-RFC that I can GrepSedAwk(TM) but
prefer sth. printable ;-) - what do you guys use?

Received on Wed Mar 28 16:15:02 2007

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