in an alsa-seq enabled application i would like to automatically connect
to all available "hardware" midi devices on startup.
however i have found no way to find out, which clients are real midi
devices and which are not.
my first attempt just connects to everything except itself and client-0
("system"), which is rather sub-optimal, as it includes the "midi
through" which tends to lead to wild midi feedbacks (our application
_can_ do midi through too...)
unfortunately i haven't found any documentation.
what i have found is:
- http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/group___sequencer.html
(saying that "user clients" have ids 128..191; this is fine, to filter
out other applications, but not enough for me)
- http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Aconnect (which gives a "simplistic
guideline for client numbers": 0..63=internal; 64..127==devicedrivers;
128..?==userapps; this would be perfect, but unfortunately this just
seems to be outdated information; e.g. i have 4 hw-midi devices
connected and they are assigned the numbers 16,20,24,28)
any hints?
or iam i totally out of my mind for trying to (optionally) a(uto)connect
on the application-side?
PS: i guess this question might be more appropriate on one of the alsa
lists, but since i am subscribed to lad and not to one of these, ....
PPS: sorry if this comes through 2 times; i originally sent this email
from an non-subscribed account...
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Received on Wed Sep 12 16:15:02 2007
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