[LAD] Q 7.8 released

From: Albert Graef <Dr.Graef@email-addr-hidden-online.de>
Date: Thu Oct 18 2007 - 23:55:42 EEST

Hi all,

I've just released Q 7.8 which sports some important bugfixes and some
nice new features. The most important addition probably is that Q now
has a complete Qt interface. You can find the sources and a ready-made
RPM for Linux (which contains almost everything surrounding Q, including
the interfaces to Faust, MidiShare, Pd and SuperCollider and the
multimedia examples) on the Q download page:


For those of you who haven't heard about Q yet: It is a GPLed,
modern-style functional programming language with good library support
for multimedia and computer music applications. (Somewhat like Haskell,
but interpreted and dynamically typed, and with much better system and
multimedia libraries.) More information about Q can be found on the Q
website at: http://q-lang.sourceforge.net

Enjoy. :)

Dr. Albert Gr"af
Dept. of Music-Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany
Email:  Dr.Graef@email-addr-hidden-online.de, ag@email-addr-hidden-mainz.de
WWW:    http://www.musikinformatik.uni-mainz.de/ag
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 19 00:15:02 2007

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