[LAD] Ladspa plugin invisible

From: Rémi Thébault <rtbo.mailing@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 28 2007 - 19:39:00 EET


I'm trying to make a guitar tuner ladspa plugin.
I already wrote a first draft, but listplugins can't find my plugin in
the library :

$ listplugins
/usr/lib/ladspa/TunerUnit.so: <---

it could be because I've chosen a uniqueID already in use.
is there a list or way to register a uniqueID ?

here is a part of my _init() function:

                = 4053;
                = strdup("tner");
                = strdup("Universal Digital Tuner Unit");
                = strdup("Rémi Thébault");
                = strdup("None");

By the way, for the moment I use FFTW for the frequency identification.
Is there a way to identify a frequency with quite high precision without
computing a big spectrum analysis ?
For a 0.7 Hz precision with fft, I need 65536 samples, what will take a
lot CPU load every 1.5 sec.

It is obvious that so much CPU Load is no acceptable for a small plugin
in a realtime application.


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Received on Wed Nov 28 20:15:11 2007

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