On Sun, 2007-12-02 at 23:02 +0100, Lars Luthman wrote:
> So if everyone agrees that the header should be
> {
> uint32_t timestamp_int;
> uint32_t timestamp_frc;
> uint16_t size;
> uint16_t type;
> }
> with data padded to 4+N*16 bytes, can't we just say that the code part
> is done? Whether the different events types are implemented as aligned
> platform-dependent structs or raw packed bytes or something else doesn't
> matter at all to the event transport extension and it doesn't make any
> sense to argue about it until we actually have a fixed way of sending
> events.
Agreed (enough digression and nitpicking!). What's in the payload
doesn't matter (and everything is nicely aligned anyway).
Does everyone like this event header?
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Received on Mon Dec 3 04:15:01 2007
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