From: Joshua D. Boyd <jdboyd@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 25 2008 - 19:35:43 EEST

Is it possible to configure a system (included changes to programs) so
that nothing can interfere with a few RT threads?

I have an audio and video thread in a program, and they are running as
SCHED_FIFO, but so many things can interfere with those two threads,
such as USB plugs/unplugs, cron log rotations, disk access (PIO flash
disk), ssh logins, etc. I really would like to shore up performance

I am not using Ingo's RT patches, but I still see people talking about
turning off things like cron and server processes to prevent xruns when
using Ingo's RT patches. While I have turned off cron, turning off sshd
and the web server aren't options. I want to instead somehow make sure
that neither can every interfere with the AV threads, even if it means
that SSH and web traffic are extremely slow.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 25 20:15:06 2008

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