Re: [LAD] multi branch tree in c

From: Bill White <bill.white@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jul 14 2008 - 18:09:44 EEST

Hash: SHA1

With binary trees, with right and left daughter pointers,
you can replace null right daughter pointers with the
node's in-order successor, and null left daughter pointers
with the node's in-order predecessor. These are called
threads. You need to keep one bit per pointer to tell
if it's a link or a thread. Then you can go backwards
and forwards in the tree with almost no extra space.

This generalizes to n-ary trees, but I don't remember quite
how right off the top of my head.

Julien Claassen wrote:
| Thanks David! I jst implemented the structure today and it works fine. But an
| additional question:
| Is there a way, with that tree structure only, to go through it like this:
| root next1 next11 next111
| root next1 next11 next112
| ...
| root nextN nextN2 nextN21
| root nextN nextN2 nextN22
| I thought of using an additional list to perform this kind of action
| Some further explanation: I need that kind of tree to realize the storage of
| LSCP commands word by word. and the above described "walk" would print out all
| available commands.
| What I'm doing is "rsampler" a readline based frontend understanding just
| LSCP commands at the moment. I plan to do a bit more, but that's for the
| future.
| Kindest regards
| Julien
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