Re: [LAD] [LAU] First release of jkmeter

From: Dennis Schulmeister <linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 04 2008 - 00:33:11 EEST


On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 21:21 +0200, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> What should happen in Ardour is
> * Promote the 'auditioner' to a 'monitoring
> module'. The normal signal to connect to
> your monitors should be this module and
> not the master output.
> * [...]
> * It should offer several switchable inputs.
> The normal input would be the master output,
> a second could be the output of a limiter
> or mastering app following the master,
> for broadcasting it could be the signal
> returned from the continuity studio, etc.
> * [...]
> * This is also to place to put things like
> intercom, talkback, etc, with auto-muting
> of the monitoring of course.

That's in fact how any better mixing console works. It'd be really great
to have Ardour work the same way.

Yours sincerely,
Dennis Schulmeister

Dennis Schulmeister - Schifferstr. 1 - 76189 Karlsruhe - Germany
Tel: +49 721/5978883 - Mob: +49 152/01994400 - eMail:
Now moved to the corridor: Hermes! (
Besides that: -
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