On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 00:58, Anders Dahnielson <anders@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 00:03, Anders Dahnielson <anders@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 18:13, Anders Dahnielson <anders@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
>>> Here's a simple tokenizer for SFZ I wrote once upon a time in Python. Not
>>> sure if I got it completely right.
>> Nope. E.g. it matches lokey= twice (once as lokey= with a value and as
>> key= without a value). *Blushes*. LOL.
> Ok, this is now an old thread. But to not appear as a complete fool I will
> post some code that actually works. ;-)
And as usual I botched that attempt partly as well... ;-)
The "comment" bit in the previously posted code should have read:
slash_index = line.find('/')
if slash_index != -1:
line = line[:slash_index]
-- Anders Dahnielson <anders@email-addr-hidden>
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 6 04:15:03 2008
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