[LAD] Program execution in a program with good communications

From: Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden-lab.de>
Date: Thu Sep 11 2008 - 10:37:05 EEST

Hello everyone!
   This is again a bit OT, but still. I have a program with two pthreads. One
pthread is running an audio player on a file repeatedly, the other is waiting
for a signal. If "the other" gets the signal or timeout, then it should tell
the player to stop. Unfortunitely with mplayer kill -15 doesn't have the
desired effect. So I thought:
   What if I could make mplayer's stdin available to the program and simply
send character 'q'. But because of pthreads, I left fork and exec* alone and
went with system. Any ideas what to do? If someone knows something nice with
fork and the like, I've seen something with pipes for this. Otherwise the
player-command I call can be called from within a shell script, so I can do
funny things with redirections.
   I hope I made myself clear and didn't write too much again... :-(
   Kindest regards

Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

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