[LAD] error with ffado svn rev 1348

From: porl sheean <porl42@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 13:30:34 EEST

hi there. i have just tried to run the latest ffado build (rev 1348)
and keep getting an 'input in flex scanner failed' error when trying
to run ffado-dbus-server. the exact error is:

02522143147: Debug (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 251] main: verbose level = 6
02522143184: Debug (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 252] main: Using ffado
library version: libffado 2.0.900-1348

input in flex scanner failed
no message buffer overruns

i have completely removed any old copies of ffado and checked out the
build from scratch in case it was something corrupting with an older
version's files being left behind or something, but still the same

thanks for any help

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Received on Fri Sep 26 16:15:03 2008

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