Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> First, why should a complete instrument, taking in
> MIDI and producing audio, be a plugin in Rosegarden
> or any other sequencer ? It would be much more useful
> as a standalone app, and probably *a lot* easier to
> develop. I wouldn't think for even a fraction of a
> second to write Aeolus as a plugin - it would be an
> exercise in self-torture of the third degree.
Except the biggest advantage of plug-ins is session state saving: When I
have one master app that stores the states of all of my plug-ins, I can
save out the session, and recall it later exactly as I saved it. Where
is the functionality in JACK for that? I know that LASH has been making
headway into that issue, but my understanding is that it has been an
uphill battle.
Believe it or not, this is a major showstopper for a lot of people. When
I save out a session and pull it up later, I want it to come back up the
way it was when I saved it. I don't want to have to mess with bringing
up every program I was using and finding the preset I was using in each one.
Of course, my experience with JACK is limited, and if it turns out the
session state saving is in there, then I simply haven't found it yet,
and you can ignore this email.
Indeed, you can take this email for all it's worth. I've just about
gotten to the point where I've stopped caring.
-- Darren Landrum
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Sep 28 00:15:05 2008
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