Re: [LAD] Something like Processing for audio

From: Frank Barknecht <fbar@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 28 2008 - 19:20:37 EEST

Darren Landrum hat gesagt: // Darren Landrum wrote:

> Why couldn't we make something like that for audio? It would most likely
> be C++ rather than Java, but the idea of building up DSP networks using
> a large framework of code, plus some pre-defined functions and settings,
> and being able to launch our new code with a one-touch button into a
> JACK client (or whatever), is extremely appealing to me.

Faust, CLAM, SuperCollider, Lua-AV, Common Lisp Music, CSound, (Pd) ..
take your pick.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Sep 28 20:15:06 2008

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