Re: [LAD] Something like Processing for audio

From: Florian Schmidt <mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 28 2008 - 23:26:47 EEST

On Sunday 28 September 2008, Darren Landrum wrote:

> Why couldn't we make something like that for audio? It would most likely
> be C++ rather than Java, but the idea of building up DSP networks using
> a large framework of code, plus some pre-defined functions and settings,
> and being able to launch our new code with a one-touch button into a
> JACK client (or whatever), is extremely appealing to me. Throw in some
> GUI-building elements (Cairo-based, perhaps) that can handle
> mouse-clicks, keyboard input, and the like, then suddenly people who are
> good at math and DSP but not so good at coding might have a shot at
> making some great programs.

It is in no way finished, but it's a similar idea:

The webpage says: "ProcessPP is the realisation of a rather silly idea: A
livecoding environment for C++." As its author i can truly admit that this is
a wrong statement (i should fix it). It is not yet the realisation, but it's
an attempt in this direction in its earliest stages. So nothing is decided
really yet..

What it is right now is basically this:

- Hack some code for a process() function for a jack client.
- Hit "Run"
- Hear noise..

You can have several of these functions.. I was planning next to integrate
some midi. So you can write a process_voice function that is called whenever
a note needs to be played. I'm not totally sure yet on how to do this though

a] it's flexible

b] it's still easy :)

I just wanted to mention it... Even as unfinished as it is..



Palimm Palimm!
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 29 00:15:04 2008

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