Re: [LAD] Something like Processing for audio

From: Darren Landrum <darren.landrum@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 29 2008 - 01:26:15 EEST

Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Plus the simple observation that once we had the synths
> that nobody needed to understand whatsoever about, most
> synth music, with few exceptions, degraded to junk food
> quality levels.

Being good at using a modular synth still didn't require knowing how to
design and solder circuit boards along with understanding the quantum
mechanics of how electrons travel through a semiconductor. Making music
by coding one's own software synths *is* a lot like that, though. I
seriously doubt Paganini ever felt he needed to make his own violin in
order to be a better musician.

I'm not trying to fob this off onto someone else. I would actually like
to start this project myself, even though I'm a lousy coder and my code
will probably look horrible. At this point, though, I fail to see the
point, as it appears I would be completely on my own, and nobody would
care what I come up with. So, I may as well stick to just doing whatever
I can on my own, make my music, and stop caring about how, or whether
anyone else would care how.

You've already basically accused me of not being able to play just
because I want to use software synthesis.

-- Darren
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 29 04:15:03 2008

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