torbenh@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> hi...
> but setting up the connection, and getting IP addresses
> of users is still a PITA.
> i am thinking along the lines of an IM like thing,
> based on jabber.
> i am not seeing good options to making this available
> in the various IM clients.
> thats why i would rather like to have modified jabberd running
> on or at the consortium servers.
> and starts the netjack session.
> thoughts ?
Jabber would be a fine choice. You could use the xmpppy library and
write a small client which runs on your system and talks to other
clients with a predefined ascii or xml
protocol. No need to hack the server, imho. The data can be wrapped in
the jabber messages. I could give a helping hand here if someone wants
to implement this app since i wrote some bots and a xmpppy tutorial 2
years ago.
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Received on Tue Dec 2 12:15:02 2008
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