On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 03:12 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> . If I don't have knowledge I have to
> read and to ask, I just reported and asked, and get acidness.
no, thats not the issue. i think you don't understand that we (JACK)
developers see these issues reported day after day after day, not just
by you but by other people. they are all issues that, for the most part,
we are powerless to affect. the issues are caused/created/affected by
the actions of distribution packagers and can only be solved by them.
it is incredibly frustrating watching user after user after user grapple
with stupid system configuration problems that we did not create just to
try to get JACK to run. whether its the complete lack of any way to get
real time scheduling to work, or the wrong version of PAM or the wrong
kernel or no version of limits.conf to edit, or no pre-existing user
group, or an ancient version of JACK, or a version of JACK with a
totally broken and utterly ridiculous library dependency name, or
versions of JACK built with the wrong assembler options ... watching
users struggle with this stuff is just incredibly frustrating and
sometimes that spills over to our interactions with users.
i for one am close to abandoning all efforts to provide support &
assistance to people using JACK on anything other than a small handful
of Linux distributions, because i am sick and tired of this ridiculous
situation. its been nearly 4 years since we got mainstream kernels that
were capable of supporting JACK and pro-audio/music apps out of the box.
the fact that users today are still dealing with the total crapfest that
we see every day on IRC and on the mailing lists is just totally
unacceptable. i don't know whose fault it is (maybe its mine, i'm not
ruling it out), but its a totally waste of everyone's time.
distros: people want creativity apps on linux. for audio this means that
you users will run JACK. with realtime scheduling priviledges. and they
will possibly upgrade JACK before you do. fix it! please!
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 16 12:15:01 2008
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