[LAD] qjackd goes funkity

From: Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 29 2009 - 23:44:25 EEST

Greetings all;

1: I installed the jack suite about a week ago, recommended by a friend and
I've had it grab core0 of my quad core phenom and loop at 100% several times,
however, using qjackctl to stop and restart it always fixes it. Is there a
buglet still around?

2: I have kmail set to play its usual pling as incoming mail arrives, and
since I installed jack, its quite distorted and just a nearly mote whisper.
Is this a possible config error?

It may be that 1 above is related to 2 above as it seems to occur at some
point when the machine is quiet for the night, but fetchmail/procmail/kmail is
still running, so it would be getting tapped at that input several hundred
times by the time I get up the next morning.

Comments/hints welcomed.


Cheers, Gene
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