[LAD] New proposal for the jackd/jackdbus mess : adding "config" API

From: Stéphane Letz <letz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 20 2009 - 15:30:40 EEST

Hi all,

Here is an updated version that add a new (to be defined) "config" API
in libjack.so. The idea is to provide a way to *share* multiple server
configurations in a unique place for all control application. The
important point are:

- we are not allowed to break legacy use of ~/.jackdrc

- we absolutely want to maintain server auto-start from clients

So the overall suggestion is to *maintain* this ~/.jackdrc with it's
current format and to define a new config API that will probably use
another file (or set of files...).

- legacy control application (Qjackcl for instance) can still use
their multiple server configurations, they will not see and use this
new share and centralized state, but I don't think we can do better.

- new control front-end (jackdbus, jackOSC) would have to use this
new config API.



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Received on Wed May 20 16:15:04 2009

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