Re: [LAD] help on creating MIDI from linux input events

From: Miguel Morales <therevoltingx@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jul 05 2009 - 12:56:25 EEST

Hello Renato,
This should be fairly easy to do using RT Midi (<>
Since there is a driver for it, you should be able to use it as an alsa midi
device. There are a few ways to route alsa midi to jack midi. I personally
recommend that you use the ALSA midi because more applications support it,
and routing it to jack midi is fairly easy. (so I hear, but I've never had
a need.)

I've actually made a program that takes events from a usb midi device (PCR
M80) and turn them into MIDI CCs. Basically it reads a file that 'maps'
events from the device to controller change events (outputting notes is
fairly trivial using RT Midi). With qjackctl I route it jack-rack or
rakarrack or gmidimonitor to test it. You can find it here:

I know RT Midi is C++, but it's really easy to use.

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Received on Sun Jul 5 16:15:02 2009

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