Hello all!
I've known this package "songanalysis" for quite some time. But now I
wondered, if it might be possible to build a LADSPA plugin from this, or if it
would be possible to include it in ecasound as an option. It can do tempo
analysis, but more importantly it can do frequency dependent volume analysis,
which might be very helpful for text-based mastering. It uses a special scale
Mel? or was it Cepstra? to set the static bandwidth. Not as good as graphic
JaMIN output, but certainly of more help than ears only for a first stab. :-)
The package is here:
You'll find a small description and a download link there.
I know there's one limitation to the code as-is: It only works with 44100Hz,
as I remember.
I'd be greatful for any ideas, oppinios on this.
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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Received on Mon Jul 13 20:15:01 2009
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