On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:41 PM, <laseray@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
[ ... more of the usual ... ]
>Again, it is funny how YOU take things out of context. I was referring to one
>person, not everybody.
The context was:
>>Hell, I am a card carrying member #7026 of the FSF and (facts aside) I'm
>>strongly inclined to side with Prof. Keller solely because of your
>>behaviour. What kind of impact do you think you are having on people
>>more apathetic to the issue?
>Then you are very superficial and easily influenced by authority rather
>than truth. It means you are a mental midget. No really intelligent
>person would take sides with someone merely because they spoke nice.
Your response was a deliberate, personal insult to someone who happens
to be one of the most intelligent, skilled, productive and yeah, even
anti-authoritarian developers within the community that makes up this
mailing list. You called him a "mental midget". Did I miss anything?
"better to keep one's mouth shut and be taken for a fool than to open
it and prove the case beyond all doubt".
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 29 04:15:13 2009
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