An update.
I've been contacted by the company that sells this software, asking
for retrospective permission, or something along those lines.
I'm not going to grant it - I don't really think I can, the "SWH"
plugins represent the work of far too many people for me to feel
comfortable doing that, and it's not necessary anyway, as long as they
stick by whatever the conditions of the licence may be. But, I don't
actually have a clear idea of what the GPL says should happen.
Consensus seems to be that they need to distribute code for the
plugins they include, but whether they are allowed to ship the plugins
is another question.
The crazy thing is that if they shipped their host in one package, and
redistributed some LADPSA plugins (with source) in another then they
would not be violating the licence as far as I can see - both actions
are perfectly legitimate in isolation. However, shipping them in one
package might be some sort of violation.
That's slightly mad.
- Steve
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Wed Aug 5 12:15:07 2009
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