Ok, Hernán.
Thanks so much.
2009/8/5, Hernán Ordiales <hordiales@email-addr-hidden>:
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Carlos
> Sanchiavedraz<csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Really good info, Hernan. Thanks.
>> Just a question, given the names of both, does it mean that pyPortMidi
>> is not for RT?
> no, they are just names, both are realtime capable...
>> P.S. Nice to write to you again -on other list this time :).
> ;-)
>> //On my mobile device. Sorry for top-posting and any mistakes
>> 2009/8/4, Hernán Ordiales <hordiales@email-addr-hidden>:
>>> Hi Carlos,
>>> You can also take a look at PortMidi[1] or RtMidi[2] python bindings
>>> Cheers
>>> [1] http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~harrison/code.html
>>> [2] http://trac2.assembla.com/pkaudio/wiki/pyrtmidi
>>> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Carlos
>>> Sanchiavedraz<csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>> Hi Harry.
>>>> It's curious... you got the point I had in mind :)
>>>> My main idea is to extend the configuration dialog so that, same as
>>>> you can map wiimote keys/events to keyboard keys, you could map
>>>> wiimote keys/events to CCs helped by a select box with a list of
>>>> available CCs; first maybe a usefull and comprehensive subset and then
>>>> the whole set in later versions.
>>>> Maybe we can add the "advanced" section as well. But first I'm trying
>>>> to get information about the other topics on my list :)
>>>> Thanks Harry.
>>>> //On my mobile device. Sorry for top-posting and any mistakes
>>>> 2009/8/2, Harry Van Haaren <harryhaaren@email-addr-hidden>:
>>>>> Hey Carlos,
>>>>> Python & the wiimote is a nice combo, i've played with it and midi a
>>>>> little
>>>>> too..
>>>>> Not at all familiar with desktop applet coding, so ill leave that to
>>>>> the
>>>>> pro's!
>>>>> As far as the "what midi CC bindings" are useful, could you put in a
>>>>> "Drop-down-box" or "Entry-Box"
>>>>> for the CC's? Because there will always be some use for it. Perhaps
>>>>> have
>>>>> an
>>>>> "Advanced" section, in
>>>>> which one can manually type the CC Numbers, and have the "Simple"
>>>>> section
>>>>> up
>>>>> with a drop down of
>>>>> the most common CC's?
>>>>> Becuase I can really see the use of having a wiiMote around for
>>>>> debugging
>>>>> audio/midi progams with you applet.
>>>>> It would mean you could easily send any Midi CC's to a program using
>>>>> an
>>>>> "Easy-Access" unit. (IE: pick it up, use it,
>>>>> not like a keyboard where you'd spend time mapping a key to a
>>>>> different
>>>>> MIDI
>>>>> CC etc)
>>>>> Hope the project goes well for you, once im home ill check how much is
>>>>> done
>>>>> and where to get the Alpha release.. ;-)
>>>>> -Harry
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Carlos Sanchiavedraz
>>>>> <csanchezgs@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
>>>>>> I have notice I forgot to send this mail to LAD as well. Sorry :)
>>>>>> Here it is.
>>>>>> Of course, thanks in advance.
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: Carlos Sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 19:18:17 +0200
>>>>>> Subject: Python and MIDI orientation for a project
>>>>>> To: linux-audio-user <Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
>>>>>> Hi folks.
>>>>>> I'm cooperating with a friend and fellow to improve his project
>>>>>> related to wiimote.
>>>>>> The project is Wiican[1]. In short, it is a tool (a system tray icon
>>>>>> actually) that makes it easier to connect the wiimote and configure
>>>>>> and create key mappings for use at your will. It's written in python
>>>>>> and uses bluez, hal with dbus, wminput and cwiid.
>>>>>> My goal is to add some layer in such a way that you can map wiimote
>>>>>> events to MIDI. And maybe, to include it on the next improved
>>>>>> release
>>>>>> of Musix.
>>>>>> So, in adittion to my researches on the subject and what I already
>>>>>> know about MIDI CCs and so, I would like some advice and guidance
>>>>>> about how to:
>>>>>> - implement MIDI in python (which CCs are a must for you, create and
>>>>>> send MIDI messages, libs, bindings, reference projects),
>>>>>> - implement Jack and Alsa MIDI ports in python (libs, bindings,
>>>>>> reference projects),
>>>>>> ... and every other interesting information or experiences on this.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> [1] https://launchpad.net/wiican
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Carlos "Sanchiavedraz"
>>>>>> * Musix GNU+Linux
>>>>>> http://www.musix.es
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Carlos "Sanchiavedraz"
>>>>>> * Musix GNU+Linux
>>>>>> http://www.musix.es
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Linux-audio-user mailing list
>>>>>> Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
>>>>>> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-user
>>>> --
>>>> Carlos "Sanchiavedraz"
>>>> * Musix GNU+Linux
>>>> http://www.musix.es
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
>>>> Linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
>>>> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-dev
>>> --
>>> Hernán
>>> http://h.ordia.com.ar
>>> GnuPG: 0xEE8A3FE9
>> --
>> Carlos "Sanchiavedraz"
>> * Musix GNU+Linux
>> http://www.musix.es
> --
> Hernán
> http://h.ordia.com.ar
> GnuPG: 0xEE8A3FE9
-- Carlos "Sanchiavedraz" * Musix GNU+Linux http://www.musix.es _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-dev mailing list Linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-devReceived on Wed Aug 5 16:15:05 2009
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