Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Or some _explicit_ feedback from somewhere downstream the patch
> telling the voice allocator that a particular voice has decayed
> far enough to be a candidate for re-use. My exploratory designs
> for AMS II (gathering dust since four years) did exactly that.
This "was" a very good mechanism at the times when the first synth were
able to play different sounds for different MIDI channels, but tone
generators were to expensive, because of technical limits, in the 80ies
there were no DSP chips, 4MB RAM were very expensive :D etc., I still
have got a 40 MB hard disk, that was more expensive than the complete
dual core PC I've today. It's easy to understand that your AMS II is
gathering dust :). I had to dust my Oberheim ;). It would be suspect if
somebody would write to the list, that e.g his Linux synth don't have
enough voices. I often wonder why a lot of synth emulation don't sound
as good as the original synth, even if comparing a held note sounds
identical to an original synth. They differ in their behaviour, when
playing a song, but not by comparing single held notes. To limit the
polyphony today seems to be more important for some usage, than thinking
about not having enough voices :).
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Aug 25 04:15:03 2009
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