Re: [LAD] [LAU] [ANN] LADI Session Handler - Preview 1

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 02 2009 - 18:12:16 EEST

On 09/03/2009 12:37 AM, wrote:
>> On Tuesday 01 September 2009 19:18:45 Dennis Schulmeister wrote:
>>> That kind of application already exists. It's called a tiling window
>>> manager. ;) DWM is one I sometimes use although I never tried it for
>>> audio work.
>> I think what is being asked for is more like a regular window manager with
>> a
>> tiling type window manager inside of it that handles the audio apps. Or
>> perhaps all apps you assign to it. The rest exist outside of the tiling
>> bit.
>> They may want more flexibility inside the tiling part though. It has been
>> a
>> while since I fired up a tiling manager and so don't recall details atm.
>> (I could be completely off on this read, but is is my take from paying
>> partial
>> attention to this thread.)
> No it's exactly what i meant ;)
> This "tiling window manager" application would handle only the audio
> applications (or the one you want it to handle) and could be started
> within any DE . The goal is to combine the advantages of the "all-in one
> audio app" and of a multiple applications workflow.

Can I confirm that an app that was able to tell the wm how to position
the session would also suffice which is what Nedkos goals are iiuc?


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

> Regards
> Florent
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