Re: [LAD] [LAU] [ANN] LADI Session Handler - Preview 1

From: Sean Corbett <seanbutnotheard@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 03 2009 - 16:33:08 EEST

Hello all,

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Ralf Mardorf<> wrote:
> hollunder@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>> I'm using a WM (called awesome) that can do tiling for everyday tasks as
>> well as audio. Since I have a rather small screen I use it mostly to get
>> every app fullscreen. When trying to use it for audio I ran in some
>> trouble. Applications like ardour require a lot of screen estate, on my
>> screen it hardly fits on the screen. Many other apps have a similar
>> minimum size that is simply not handled gracefully, at least by this WM.
>> Another problem is with applications that don't resize at all or that
>> apparently can't be handled in tiling mode. One such example is jkmeter.
>> So from my experience with awesome I'd say that it's theoretically a
>> nice idea but doesn't quite work that way. When you look at the
>> screenshots at tiling WM homepages you see mostly terminals, probably
>> for a reason. Maybe other WMs work better, but from my experience I'd
>> say that a WM that remembers window positions or where you could
>> specify them would probably work better, but I still have to explore
>> if that's possible with my WM.

Interesting discussion... I had often thought that a tiling window
manager would be a good match for an audio environment, but you have
brought up some good points. I plan on trying Awesome with the
machine I'm building (actually Awesome and Arch Linux are already
installed, but the mobo is currently back at Newegg :/ ) to see how it
handles a "portable studio" type of setup. I think the trick will be
carefully customizing the WM's configuration so that it understands
how each of my apps interact with the desktop... for example, Ardour
and Ardour's mixer should probably each have their own dedicated
full-screen desktop tag, while "little" apps like QJackCtl and various
synth/FX windows should be grouped together on one desktop and have a
fixed size or even float (which many tiling WMs can do on a per-window
basis I think). Once a sensible configuration is found, I'm hoping
that the WM will stay out of the way and boost productivity. The
downside is that each time I add a new application to the inventory,
I'll have to tweak Awesome's configuration a bit... but perhaps over
time (and with a little community sharing) the configuration will grow
to accommodate the majority of audio apps out there. In the end it
might not work out, but I'm willing to give it a try based on what I
think (or hope) is possible.

How this applies to LADISH: I'm not sure. ;)

sean corbett
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 3 20:15:01 2009

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