Re: [LAD] interesting blog post about syncing blender and ardour

From: Florian Faber <faber@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Sep 26 2009 - 07:28:12 EEST


> Not really. Suppose you have to do this:
> 1. copy an audio track from a video recording,
> 2. do some work on it,
> 3. copy the result back to the video recording.
> Your (nominal) sample rate is 48k, the video is
> exactly 100s long when played at the exact frame
> rate.
> If the the clock used by the video equipment and your
> sample clock are not coherent (not derived from the
> same source), there will be a relative error between
> them, both in steps 1 and 3.

If the source is analogue video (and analogue audio), you derive your
word clock from the VBI/video lines or SMPTE, if you have this information.

If the source is digital, well, there is no problem, since you work on a
fixed number of samples.

So please tell me how this can ever happen in real life?


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