On Monday 02 November 2009 00:56:15 Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 01 November 2009, Arnold Krille wrote:
> >If you want to make use of the drilling of the pins in cat5, it should be
> >1+2 Midi 1
> >3+6 Midi 2
> >4+5 Midi 3
> >7+8 Midi 4
> >Why do you want to carry 5V? According to my docs, Midi is just Signal+
> > and Signal- and shield. Which, when carried over Cat5, should be all on
> > the shield.
> Except that I have yet to see a piece of cat5 with shielding.
Look for that STP or S/UTP or FTP cables :-)
Honestly all the cables I make myself are from (single-)shielded twisted pair.
And except for the cheap cables that come with some devices, all the cables I
buy are shielded too (with no extra costs).
Unshielded is usable to connect that slow wlan-repeater that can't really go
more then 10MBits but for anything else in networking you should used shielded
And as Jörn is asking about using it in professional surroundings, it will
most definitely be the shielded cable he is using...
Have fun,
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