On Tuesday, November 3, 2009, Daniel Vidal wrote:
> I'am now working on making personalized menus for Musix distro. I try to
> do this task using the freedesktop rules, using .desktop files and the
> "Categories" field. This is a real problem. All audio Apps put "AudioVideo"
> tag... and all apps apear together on a single menu option... Mixers merged
> with synths... with DAWs... with virtual keyboards... Well... when the user
> chooses the "multimedia" option of system menu... the submenu have three
> columns of apps... Only a little set of apps put more specific tag like
> "Midi" or "Synthesis"...
I would strongly recommend to adhere to the published standards:
If there is a real need for more registered categories, the way to go is to
propose the new categories to be included in future releases of the standard.
Some of your proposed additional categories correspond to registered ones:
> AudioPlayer
Player; Audio or Video or AudioVideo
> Mixer
> WaveEditor
> ScoreEditor
AudioVideoEditing; Audio or Video or AudioVideo
There are other already existing categories:
Recorder; Audio or Video or AudioVideo
Music; AudioVideo or Education
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Nov 6 12:15:02 2009
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