On Friday, November 6, 2009, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> It's the only mail I read of this thread, but sorry, anyway I need to
> reply, because the standards of freedesktop very often cause trouble on
> my machines, e.g. when using GNOME and KDE and editing the menus, e.g.
> by using Alacarte.
My recommendations for you and the OP are similar: if you have some valuable
proposal or good ideas to solve real problems for everybody, please push your
proposals to freedesktop.org so they can be applied to the broader audience.
On the other hand, if the .desktop files from some application or some distro
include wrong categories, please send patches and/or complains to the
corresponding responsible people.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Nov 6 16:15:02 2009
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