On Sun, 8 Nov 2009, Paul Davis wrote:
>> I (personally) really don't like having plugin windows flying all over the
>> place. I think they should be layed out in the host application. (And I
>> also think they should be widget-toolkit agnostic --
>> Qt/GTK/FLTK/whatever.)
> when you come up with a way to do that, please do let us know. this
> has been on the table for at least 8 years and no acceptable solutions
> have ever emerged. they either offer too little control to the plugin
> developer, or simply cannot integrate with the event loop of the host.
Thanks! I didn't realize this was the quest for the Holy Grail of plugin
GUI. :-)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 8 16:15:03 2009
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