On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 00:41 +0200, Nedko Arnaudov wrote:
> David Robillard <dave@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> > Some random web tool having a crappy output layout format is hardly the
> > fault of LV2, raptor, Turtle, or anything else but that tool, obviously.
> Yes, I got that the tool I use is crappy. How ignoring the problem
> solves it? I havent said that it is LV2 fault. I complained about
> evident turtle/xmlrdf schism. And I declared that I dont want to
> participate in web 2.0 wars. I have better things to do.
I don't know. Perhaps there is a better visualizer out there? If you
are attached to this thing and consider it important (for some reason I
really don't understand) then just maintain the document in a way that
works well with it and automatically convert to turtle, instead of the
other way around.
As far as the 'schism' goes, turtle is a W3C 'team submission' now, on
track to be a recommendation with a registered MIME type and all that.
Support is pretty widespread, and increasing. It's not really a schism,
absolutely everybody despises the mess that is rdf/xml ;)
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Received on Tue Nov 10 04:15:03 2009
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