Re: [LAD] Non-daw, non-sequencer

From: rosea grammostola <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 11 2009 - 23:47:34 EET

Jonathan Moore Liles wrote:
> Greetings, living people. I am not dead. I was only sleeping. I'm
> pleased to learn that people are (finally?) becoming as excited about
> my non-projects as I have been from their inception. I realize that I
> haven't been engaged in active communication for quite some
> time. Believe me, I wish I had spent far more time this past year
> working on all things Non and Linux Audio. Unfortunately, however, I
> have been buried under a pile of legal, financial, and femaloidal
> woes. I can no longer afford to work from home and the long commute is
> sufficient to drain me of the time and energy I had been in the habit
> of pouring into my software. Thank you to those who have recently
> discovered Non and made their appreciation clear via cash
> donation. For whatever reason people claim to have been unable to
> contact me; it is true that I have not been on IRC in quite some time,
> but I do check my email occasionally (although I must admit I have not
> been following this mailing list). To those who would talk of forking
> my projects: please feel free to contribute patches and discuss new
> features on the non-* mailing lists. A leadership role of these
> projects is a much lighter burden than what I had planned to do all by
> myself, and I think I can afford the time to apply a patch or two. I
> still have a lot planned for Non-*, but I can't say when I'll have
> enough contiguous free time to accomplish any significant
> development. I continue to use Non regularly, but I'm ashamed to admit
> that I haven't attempted to upgrade JACK in quite some time. Any
> compatibility patches are welcome. The setup I have currently is
> working well. I get to spend a few hours every weekend recording songs
> in Non-DAW and in the course of those activities I have found very
> little in need of alteration (aside from the described by my now
> ancient TODO list).
> I wish I could see a light at the end of this tunnel. I have no
> intentions to let my projects die--for I still need them as much today
> as I did when I wrote the first line of code. I simply don't have
> enough time at the end of each day to devote to such complex
> engineering tasks and right now I'm looking at the possibility of
> having to take on MORE work rather than less.
> Your Favorite Non-Author,
> Jonathan Moore Liles.
I'm very happy to get this sign of life :) . I think the concept of your
apps are really good or at least very promising! You must have talent...
I did some things with non-sequencer, but couldn't connect non-DAW to

Anyway, good luck with your project and your life ;)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 12 00:15:05 2009

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