On Sunday 07 February 2010 09:40:46 Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> On 02/07/2010 01:06 AM, nescivi wrote:
> > We are of course quite interested to know which scripts you removed in
> > your special dedicated audio runlevel :)
> cron,
I prefer to have my cron-jobs check for "pidof jackd" and start only if no
running jackd is found. Fixes this much cleaner:-)
> ntp,
Run ntpdate when the interface connects and don't use ntpd...
> network,
That is one thing to think about. Wireless tends to not disturb you in the
studio because it has a nice going connection. On location it will screw you
because it regularly checks for known networks. And if you have a wireless
sharing the interrupt with the firewire-controller (like I have), you are
doomed unless you disable wireless...
> postfix,
> cups,
> rpcbind,
> nfs,
> smb,
> sshd.
These all do nothing when no network is present. And even then they aren't
resource-hungry nor blocking higher priorities. But an enabled sshd helps when
some strange things lock up your graphics while doing audio:-)
> bluetoothd,
Only does something when there is a bluetooth adaptor...
> in order of what i believe to be importance - cron will generate regular
> cpu spikes when dealing with cronjobs, ntp time gaps can confuse ffado,
> networkmanager can also misbehave. the rest i haven't had particular
> problems with, but i thought why keep them around...
If you are that much into optimization, you should go text-mode only. X and
the kernel-drivers are far more influential on the performance then what you
disabled in the networking-category...
Have fun,
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